Visiting Australia? 100+ Australian slangs & pronunciations for you MATE!

This article covers:
- Why Australian English is truly unique?
- People
- Greetings & Exclamations
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- Food & drink
- Activities, Leisure & Day-To-Day Life
- Descriptive Words & Similes
- Action Words
- Distinctive Australian Pronunciations
- Interesting stuff, huh?
- Before you go
Home to beaches and kangaroos, the starkly beautiful Outback and the iconic Sydney Opera House; Australia offers its residents a charming mix of natural beauty and cosmopolitan living environment. Its economy has grown by leaps and bounds over the past few decades and its world-class cities have low pollution levels and more advanced infrastructure systems than many other global cities. In short, the land Down Under is one of the world’s most urbanised and multicultural countries that offers current and potential expats a very good quality of life.
If you’re moving to Australia or even planning to, good on ya, mate! By now you probably have all the information you need about things like visas, housing, food, the standard of living, etc. But what about the language? It’s English, alright, but with an Australian flavour to it.
Every country in the world has its own unique take on a language, and Australia is no different. Australian English has so many interesting phrases and ‘colloquialisms’ (slang) that it can sometimes sound like a totally different language, especially to someone unfamiliar with its many quirks.
So if you want to interact more comfortably with your colleagues or ‘mates’ and avoid making an embarrassing faux pas in a social setting or simply learn how to speak like local blokes or sheilas, buckle up and read on…
You might also like to read: Moving to Canada? Here Are 75 Canadian English slangs & phrases you must know
Why Australian English is truly unique?
Like other multicultural societies such as Britain, the USA, New Zealand and Canada; English is one of the most commonly spoken languages in Australia.
However, Australian English is more informal and humorous and owes much of its character to its history as a British penal colony. Due to the convict influence and a desire to develop a different linguistic tradition from the ‘mother country’, it shows a bias towards the:
- The invention of new terms: For example, the Aussie phrase “Do the Harry” means to disappear
- Application of visual imagery: The simile “mad as a cut snake” means to be very angry or upset
- Deception to conceal the true meaning of a term: For example, the term “ratbag” can be an endearment or an insult, depending upon the speaker’s tone and context of the conversation
Australian English also tends to be humorous and uses it to indicate affection or invoke laughter even in formal settings such as government meetings or TV appearances!
Australians also tend to shorten some words and sentences. Often, these ‘diminutives’ are formed by taking the first part of a word and substituting an a, o, ie or y sound for the rest of the word. For example, instead of saying “let’s have a barbeque this afternoon after the football game”, an Australian native may say “let’s have a barbie this arvo after footy”. And rather than saying “Carry an umbrella” an Australian would probably say “Carry a brolly mate!”
Australian English Term | Meaning |
Ankle Biter | Child |
Bloke | Man |
Bludger | Lazy person, someone who doesn’t work |
Brickie | Bricklayer |
Chalkie | Teacher |
Chippy | Carpenter |
Cobber | Friend, companion |
Dag | Unfashionable person |
Garbo | Garbage (rubbish) collector |
Goose | Foolish person, clown (light-hearted or affectionate insult) |
Jackaroo (feminine equivalent jillaroo) | Male trainee manager at a cattle station; Female trainee manager at a cattle station |
(A) loose cannon | Someone with little or no self-control |
Ocker | A person who is uncouth or boorish |
Pelican | Foolish or idiotic person (often a light-hearted or affectionate insult similar to Goose) |
Postie | Postman |
Rello | Relative |
Sheila | Woman |
Sparky | Electrician |
Spunk | Good-looking person |
Top bloke | Good person |
Tosser | A useless person |
Tradie | Trader |
Truckie | Truck driver |
Greetings & Exclamations
Australian English Term | Meaning |
Ace! | Very good! Excellent! |
| Expressions of amazement or surprise |
Fair dinkum | An exclamation that something is genuine or true. Eg: Of course I’m telling the truth!, Yeah, honestly! |
G’day G’day, mate | Hello |
Give it a burl | Give something a try |
Go on! | I’m not convinced you know what you’re talking about |
Have a go, ya mug! | Term to encourage someone to attempt something, especially if they’re unsure or not putting in a full effort |
Hooroo | Goodbye |
How ya goin’ luv? | I hope you’re well |
Nah, yeah | Unsure Yes |
No worries (No drama ) | Don’t worry about it, everything will turn out alright |
Onya bike | Get lost, leave |
Keep your pants on | Be patient! |
Put a sock in it! | Shut up! |
Rack off! | Get lost! |
Shut ya gob! | Shut up! (Tell it to someone who cares) |
Ta | Thank you |
That’s really sick, mate! | That’s awesome! |
Wanna cuppa? | Do you want a cup of tea or coffee? |
Yeah, nah | Unsure No |
You little ripper! | Delighted exclamation in reaction to good news |
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Food & drink
Australian English Term | Meaning |
Bevy | Beer |
Avo | Avocado |
Barbie | Barbecue |
Boozer xxx | Alcoholic |
Bottle-O/ Bottlo | Liquor shop |
Brekkie/ Brekky | Breakfast |
Chewiev | Chewing gum |
Chokkie | Chocolate |
Chook | Chicken |
Tomato sauce | Tomato ketchup |
Durry | Tobacco, cigarette |
Esky | Large insulated food and drink container for outdoor picnics or barbecues |
Goon | Cheap Wine |
Grog | Liquor |
Hungers | Hungover |
Lollies | Candy/sweets |
Maccas | McDonald’s |
Milk bar | Corner shop that sells takeaway food |
Roadie | A ‘takeaway’ beer |
Sanger / Sanga | Sandwich |
Sausage sizzle | A sausage served with white bread and tomato ketchup |
Slab | A carton of 24 cans (or bottles) of beer |
Smoko | Quick smoke/food/coffee break at work |
Stubby | A small bottle of beer |
The lot | Australian burger with ‘everything’ in it such as meat, lettuce, egg, bacon, pineapple, onion, cheese, beetroot and tomato (or tomato sauce) |
Tinnie | Can of beer |
Tucker | Food |
Turps | Alcohol |
Vegies | Vegetables |
Activities, Leisure & Day-To-Day Life
Australian English Term | Meaning |
Ambo | Ambulance or staff of ambulance |
Arvo | Afternoon |
Swimmers | Swimming costume |
Brolly | Umbrella |
Budgie smugglers | Men’s bathing costume (speedos) |
Bush telly | Campfire |
Bush | The Outback or anywhere that isn’t in town |
Chemist | Drugstore |
Daks | Trousers |
Dunny | Outside toilet |
Flanno | A flannelette shirt |
Footie/ | Australian Rules Football |
Grundies | Women’s underwear |
Mates rates | Discounts for friends |
Moolah | Money |
Servo | Service/petrol station |
Sunnies | Sunglasses |
Thongs | Casual backless sandals |
Togs | Swimsuit |
Tracky dacks | Sweat pants/tracksuit pants |
Ute | Pickup truck (utility vehicle) |
You might also like to read: Visiting Ireland? Over 80 Slangs & Phrases You Might Want to Know
Descriptive Words & Similes
Australian English Term | Meaning |
Big Smoke | A big city such as Melbourne or Sydney |
Bloody ripper | Really great, awesome |
Blind | Drunk |
Blotto | Drunk beyond the capacity to stand |
Bonzer | Good |
Buggered | Tired |
Chockers / | Completely full, full to the brim |
Corker | Excellent |
Crook | Sick |
Cut | Angry or upset |
Deadset | Definite, absolute |
Defo | Definitely, for sure |
Devvo | Devastated |
Dogged it | Didn’t show up as expected |
Etch | Suspicious |
Exy | Expensive |
Festy | Dirty or disgusting |
Flat chat | Very busy |
Frothing | Very keen |
Full | Drunk |
Heaps | Loads, lots, many |
It’s London to a brick | It’s a certainty; |
Knackered | Tired |
Mad as a cut snake | Crazy/eccentric or angry |
Mad as a gum tree full of galahs | Completely crazy |
More than you can shake a stick at | More than you can handle; |
Ridgey-didge | Legitimate |
Stoked | Happy, pleased |
Sweet as | Awesome |
True blue | Authentically Australian |
Action Words
Australian English Term | Meaning |
Aussie salute | Brushing flies away with the hand |
Blowing the froth off a few | Drinking alcohol |
Carrying on like a pork chop | Someone acting silly or crazy; Someone complaining or ranting |
Chuck a sickie | Take a day off work or school feigning ill health |
Do a U-ey | To make a U-turn in a vehicle |
Drink with the flies | Drink alone |
Fair shake of the sauce bottle / | To give someone a fair chance at something |
Fix you up | To pay back money owed |
(Give someone the) Flick | To get rid of someone |
Go Walkabout | To go missing; |
Hit the frog and toad | Hit the road |
(To be) On the cans | Drinking alcohol |
She’ll be right | Everything will work out; |
(My) Shout | To buy the next round of drinks |
Spit the dummy | To throw a tantrum |
Suss it out | To figure out a tricky situation |
Taking the piss | To make fun of someone but not necessarily in a malicious way |
Yabber | To talk a lot |
Distinctive Australian Pronunciations
The Australian accent is unique and has diverged greatly from the original British (or English) accent. For people unfamiliar with the lingo and the accent, it can be a little difficult to understand, at least in the beginning.
In general, Australian pronunciations are more similar to British English pronunciations than to American pronunciations. While American English puts the stress on the final syllable, Australian English and British English stress an earlier syllable. However, there are some cases where the Australian accent sounds closer to the American accent than to the British accent.
And in some cases, even for words that are common to British, American and Australian English in usage and meaning (even if spellings are different), the pronunciations are often uniquely Australian. The table below gives some examples of all 3 types of words and accents:
- Similar pronunciation in Australian English and American English
- Similar pronunciation in Australian English and British English
- Completely different pronunciation in Australian English from both American and British English
Word | Pronunciation |
Pronunciation |
Pronunciation |
American English | British English | Australian English | |
Aunt | Ant | Aa-nt | Aa-nt |
Butter | Bu-dder | Bu-tter | Bu-dder |
Car | Carrr | Caa | Caa: The end r is ‘non-rhotic’, i.e. not pronounced |
Caramel | Caar-mel | Ca-ra-mel | Ca-ra-mel |
Cliché | Cli-shay | Clee-shay | Clee-shay |
Data | Day-ta | Day-ta | Daa-ta |
Daughter | Dau-der | Daugh-ter | Daugh-ter: The hard t is pronounced and the end r is not pronounced |
Detail | Di-tail | Dee-tail | Dee-tail |
Entrepreneur | Ont-re-pre-nure | Ont-re-pre-ner | Ont-re-pre-ner |
Garage | Ga-raage | Gaa-rage | Gaa-rage: Emphasis on the 1st syllable rather than the 2nd |
Good day | Good day | Good day | G’day |
Hot | Ha-at | Hawt | Hawt |
Leisure | Lee-jher | Ley-jher | Ley-jher |
Letter | Le-dderrr | Le-tt–er | Le-dder: The end r is not pronounced |
Mobile | Mo-bil | Mo-byle | Mo-byle |
Niche | Ni-tch | Neesh | Neesh |
Privacy | Pry-vacy | Pree-vacy | Pry-vacy |
Salon | Sa-lawn | Saa-lon | Saa-lon |
Today | Today | Today | To-dieee |
Tomato | To-may-to | To-mah-to | To-mah-to |
Vase | Vay-se | Vaa-se | Vaa-se |
Vitamin | Vy-tamin | Vi-tamin | Vy-tamin |
Water | Wa-derrr | Wa-ter | Wa-der: The end r is not pronounced |
Yoghurt | Yoh-gurt | Yog-urt | Yoh-gurt: Silent h |
Interesting stuff, huh?
Australia is not only one of the most livable countries in the world, in terms of its healthcare, education, infrastructure, environment and culture, but the people of the world’s smallest continent are as big-hearted and vibrant as the nation they call home.
However, getting used to the quirkiness of Australian English can be a challenge for new expats, especially if they don’t come from an English-speaking background. We hope that this guide helps you understand the Aussies better.
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