BIC / SWIFT code finder
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What is a SWIFT code?
A SWIFT code (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication), also known as BIC code (Bank Identifier Code), is used to identify banks and financial institutions globally. Each unique code is mapped to a bank’s name, country, city, and branch.
Example of a SWIFT code
Bank code
Country code
Location code
Branch code
A SWIFT code is an 8-11 character code, which comprises of four parts:
- Bank code: Up to four letters (A-Z), usually a short version of the bank name
- Country code: Two letters (A-Z) indicating the country the bank is based in.
- Location code: Two characters made up of letters and numbers, indicating the bank’s head office location
- Branch code: Three numbers that identify the branch of the bank
When do you need the SWIFT code?
A SWIFT code is used in various types of bank transactions, especially in international money transfers. You are required to enter the SWIFT code of your recipient’s bank to make an international transfer, as it ensures your money goes to the right place.
Where to find a SWIFT code?
Your bank’s SWIFT code will usually be mentioned on your bank account statement. You can also use our online tool to find your bank’s SWIFT code before sending money overseas.
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What is a SWIFT code?
A SWIFT code, also referred to as BIC code (Bank Identifier Code), is a standard format that is used to identify banks and financial institutions when sending or receiving money abroad. As it is widely accepted, a swift code helps make simpler, faster and error-free international payments. Each unique code is made up of 8-11 characters that are mapped to a bank’s name, city and branch. To find your bank’s SWIFT code you can use our swift code finder.
What do the SWIFT code digits stand for?
You can understand the swift code through its unique digits. Here’s what they stand for
- Bank code: 4 letters (A-Z), usually a short version of the bank name.
- Country code: 2 letters (A-Z) indicating the country that the bank is based in.
- Location code: 2 digits made up of letters and numbers, indicating the bank’s head office location.
- Branch code: 3 numbers that indicate the bank’s branch.
Here’s the standard format of swift code digits
What are the last 3 digits of a SWIFT code?
What is a BIC code?
What’s the difference between BIC and SWIFT codes?
Who assigns the SWIFT code?
Is SWIFT code the same for all bank branches?
Do you need a SWIFT code for international money transfers?
Can I transfer money without SWIFT code?
What happens if I enter the wrong SWIFT code?
Is SWIFT code the same as Sort code?
Is SWIFT code the same as an IBAN?
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